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Can Post-Consumer Recycled Products Save the Songbirds?

Many terms get thrown around in the field of sustainability, with some carrying more weight  than others. Amid all the terminology floating about, "post-consumer recycled " is truly one  worth knowing - and understanding.

In simple terms, post-consumer recycled (PCR) refers to the portion of reused material that  might be part of a product's total material composition. It's the recycled portion of a product  that's derived from material collected by the consumer after the product from which the  recovered material came was used for its intended purpose.

That's a rather dry explanation, though - what it can even more succinctly be defined as is the  key to saving life on earth as we know it. From the songbirds above our heads that croon a tune  to the snails below our feet that inch along, the world's creatures are relying on us to conserve  resources.

Creating a Future

The percentage of PCR material used in the manufacturing of a new product generally  determines the level of environmental responsibility awarded a product (or the manufacturer of  the product) by consumers, a third-party certification organization, the manufacturing industry,  or any of the numerous environmental groups that grant awards for the level of environmental  responsibility of a product or process. The higher the percentage, the more eco-friendly the  product.

All PCR content has a past - and, fortunately, a better future than what it could have been  destined for. Instead of being hauled to a landfill in a socioeconomically depressed area (that's  where landfills are always located, after all) where it would burden the ground with yet more  trash, it skips the waste stream. Instead of being burned in a waste-to-energy facility, where it  would likely produce adverse effects on human health, such as noxious emissions, it escapes  being released into the air in the form of something toxic.

Instead, it finds new life as everything from children's toys to facial tissues - which is much  more productive than being buried or burned, I'd say.

How Does It Work?

Let's say you buy a gallon of milk and drink it. You place the empty plastic jug (#2 HDPE,  otherwise known as high-density polyethylene) into the blue bin. The jug gets picked up and  returned to a recycling center. It goes from there, with thousands of other jugs, to a plastics  processor that supplies post-consumer recycled plastic stock to manufacturers. The bales of  #2 HDPE plastic, including your empty jug - along with all your neighbors' empty jugs -  re-enters the economic marketplace as feedstock to make a perfectly new, safe, nontoxic, and  environmentally responsible children's toy. How's that for teamwork with the family down the  street? And you didn't even have to call a neighborhood meeting to do it.

Here's another example: This time, you buy a ream of paper and use it to make copies of garage  sale flyers, while your partner prints a presentation for work and your kids create artwork  masterpieces destined for the gallery of your kitchen fridge. Once the papers are no longer  needed, you place them into a recycling bin. The paper gets picked up and returned to a recycling  center. It goes from there, with millions of other sheets of previously printed paper, to a paper  processor that supplies post-consumer recycled paper stock to paper products manufacturers.  The bales of paper, including your paper - again, along with all your neighbors' contributions   - re-enters the economic marketplace as feedstock to make perfectly new, safe, nontoxic, and  environmentally responsible copy and printer paper (and yes, it's just as nice-looking as the non-recycled stuff - I bet you can't even tell the difference).

Pre vs. Post

PCR sounds pretty great, right? And it is. Keep in mind, though, that the process only works  when consumers both recycle everything they can, and then buy the products with PCR content.  If you reward manufacturers who institute earth-friendly practices, your loyalty - and your  dollars - say a lot.

However, it can be confusing at times when you're staring at products on the shelf and trying to  decide which one is best. Pre-consumer recycled products are also labeled recycled, although it's  not quite the same thing. These products incorporate manufacturer waste, like the leftover scraps  and by-products that never made it to market for whatever reason, as opposed to items that did  find their way into the hands of consumers and went through the recycling process.  Anything recycled is better than anything not recycled, mind you, but post-consumer recycled  beats out pre-consumer recycled in positive earth impact - so look a little closer at labels to be  sure that's what you're getting whenever possible.

There's Much at Stake

Recycling saves massive amounts of energy, conserves huge volumes of water, eliminates the  use of chemicals, and saves precious natural resources, like trees, air, and water. As I mentioned  before, though, recycling isn't enough - you have to go that extra step and purchase the  recycled products to really make a difference.

We're a very interconnected population of creatures who, without each other, cannot continue  to exist. As we destroy our forests, we destroy the homes of beautiful songbirds. When the  songbirds die off, we see an increase in the number of insects. Songbirds eat insects, and without  songbirds, we'll only use man's way of dealing with insects - bringing out chemicals that are  toxic to us and many other creatures. We then see a rise in the occurrence of disease, cancers,  and numerous other health disorders.

As we preserve our natural world by reducing, reusing, and buying products made from recycled  materials, we allow the planet to regenerate itself. With 7 billion of us now inhabiting the earth,  and that number projected to expand to 9-plus billion in the next 50 years, we're over-burdening  this world's capacity to renew itself. We're endangering the opportunity to live a bountiful and  thriving existence - for us, for the songbirds, for everything else.

Buying PCR content products is only one small action we can all take, yet it is one big step in the  right direction.

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